Monday, November 30, 2009

Sally's Song (nightmare Before Christmas)

I sense there's something in the wind

That feels like tragedy's at hand

And though I'd like to stand by him

Can't shake this feeling that I have

The worst is just around the bend

And does he notice my feelings for him?

And will he see how much he means to me?

I think it's not to be

What will become of my dear friend?

Where will his actions lead us then?

Although I'd like to join the crowd

In their enthusiastic cloud

Try as I may, it doesn't last

And will we ever end up together?

No, I think not, it's never to become

For I am not the one


I sense a change is coming

I experience it in the way the wind blows

I witness it in the colors the season shows

So fully exposed

I need


A necessity to


A requisite to


A vital point to


Or simply


Like the changing season





Soulfully exposed

Friday, November 6, 2009

I am, you are

I am

You are

She is


And we are

Both together






Till death

Or a curse

Whichever hits worst

Or first

I’m dying

Mr. Heartache!

Why don’t you?

Take my pain away!

Damn I should have seen it coming

From the way you smiled on that day

You lied about loving me

I’m crying

Sitting in a purple room

I glace into the loom of my existence

Man this love thing sure can be persistent

I put up a fight but lost in the Resistance

I’m trying

Captured in a fairytale

This story won't end well

Damn I can sense it

Man I see the sunset

Plan you having fun yet

Never mind that I feel astray

I am the lonely

I am the only

That is what I am